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Innovation is the fundamental purpose of human endeavor.​

Pi Innovation Mission


We believe that innovation – creating valuable solutions to problems – is the fundamental purpose of human endeavor.


Innovation enables people to not just survive, but thrive.  As Nobel Laureate Edmond Phelps of Columbia University describes in his book Mass Flourishing, meaningful work, self-expression, and personal growth is driven when people are empowered to think of, develop, and market innumerable new and better products, processes, and services.  Innovation is not just the great technological leaps, and innovators are not just the famed names in history books.  He demonstrates how “mass flourishing” – a combination of material well-being and the "good life" in a broader sense – is created by mass, grass-roots innovation.


Our mission at Pi Innovation is to enable mission-driven organizations, both commercial and non-profit, to make their worlds better places to live by helping them to design, build, maintain, and repair their innovation engines.  We believe in a paraphrase of the ancient proverb: "give the world an innovation, and feed it for a day; teach the world to innovate, and feed it for a lifetime."



Pi Innovation Values


Honesty – All work done by Pi Innovation will be executed with the utmost integrity, conducted with full transparency, and delivered with respectful candor.


Rigor – Pi Innovation solutions are not based on guesswork and theory, but are grounded in rigorous, objective and validated research, combined with decades of professional experience.


Learning – Knowledge is forever growing and changing.  We believe in the truism that "It ain’t so much the things we don't know that get us into trouble. It's the things we know that just ain't so."  Pi Innovation will continually research and update the knowledge base on which solutions are built.


Individualization – It’s about the client, not about Pi.  Each client has their own unique needs, challenges, cultures, capabilities, resources, requirements…and Pi Innovation solutions will be tailored to them.


Fit – Pi Innovation can do many things, but we can’t do everything.  If we don’t fit your needs, we will let you know, and help you find someone that can.

Fun -- Holy cannoli, we spend a lot of time working. Most of our waking hours as adults. If we are going to spend that much time on something, we may as well enjoy it, right? Besides, fun has been shown to increase everything from creativity to engagement (oh shoot, did I just make fun not-so-fun -- my bad). We'll work to make the process as enjoyable as it is effective. Want some fun now? Check out our Pi joke page.


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